
Mixed Wing, H. C. Pennell, 1860. Pattern as per H. C. Pennell.

Tag: Silver twist and light blue silk
Tail: A topping and chatterer
Body: Two turns of light orange silk, two turns of dark orange seal's fur, two turns of dark red-claret seal's fur, and finished with dark blue seal's fur
Ribbing: Silver tinsel
Hackle: A white coch-y-bondhu dyed light red-claret, from the orange silk
Throat: Blue hackle and gallina
Wings: Pintail, teal, gallina, peacock wing, Amhurst pheasant, bustard and golden pheasant tail; swan dyed light orange, dark orange, dark claret, and dark blue; with two strips of mallard above and a topping
Sides: Jungle cock
Horns: Blue macaw
Head: Black herl