Austins No-Hackle PMD

Austins No-Hackle PMD
Hook: TMC model 100 or 100BL, 16 or 18
Thread: Yellow 8/0 Uni or 12/0 Benecchi
Tail: Split light dun microfibbets or hackle
Abdomen: Stripped hackle quill dyed PMD yellow
Wings: Two Light CDC feathers, tied back to back, half spent
Thorax: Harrop's PMD Professional dubbing

I dreamed this up at Henry's Fork for fishing at Ashton. It's a little more visible than a standard no-hackle, the wings are more upright, and floats a bit longer in current. The quill body, brought to prominence by A.K. Best, really seems to work for me across the board, from parachutes to duns to spinners. I caught several large fish almost immediately the first day I used it, and have used the fly extensively and quite successfully ever since, in Sulphur, Baetis, Pseudocloeon, and PMD versions.