American Poultry Association. "American Standard of Perfection 1989"
• Estacada, Oregon. USA .• American Poultry Association Inc. (1988)
Adamson, Dr.Rv., William-Agar. "Salmon Fishing in Canada by a Resident"
• London, England .• Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts. (1860)
Anderson, Gary. "Atlantic Salmon & the Fly Fisherman"
• Montréal, Qc, Canada .• Salar Publishing. (1985)
Anderson, Gary. "Atlantic Salmon Fact & Fantasy"
• Montréal, Qc, Canada .• Salar Publishing. (1990)
Ashley-Dodd, Major G.L. "A Fisherman's Log" • (1929)
Aubert, Gilles - Bellemare, André A. - Bilodeau, Gérard. "Saumon Atlantique"
• Montréal-Nord, Qc, Canada .• Groupe Polygone Éditeurs Inc. (1988)
Barker, Thomas. "Barker Deligh of the Art of Angling"
• London, England. (1656)
Beaudin, Louise. - Quintin, Marcel. "Guide Naturel Quintin. Mammifères terrestres du Québec, de l'Ontario et des Maritimes" • Waterloo, Qc, Canada.
• Éditions Michel Quintin. (1983)
Bates, Joseph D., Jr, "Streamers Fly and Fishing"
• Harrisburg, PA, USA .• Stackpole Books. (1950)
Bates, Joseph D., Jr. "Atlantic Salmon Flies & Fishing"
• Harrisburg, PA, USA .• Stackpole Books. (1970)
Bates, Joseph D., Jr. "The Art of the Atlantic Salmon Fly"
• Boston, MASS, USA .• David R. Grondine Publisher. (1987)
Better, Francis. "Fran Better's Fly Fishing - Fly Tying and Pattern Guide"
• Wilmington, NY, USA .• Adirondack Sports Publication. (1986)
Borger, Gary A. "Designing Trout Flies"
• Wasau, WIS, USA .• Tomorrow River Press. (1991)
Boyle, Robert H. - Whitlock, Dave. "Fly-tyer's Almanac"
• New York NY, USA .• Crown Publisher. (1975)
Boyle, Robert H. "Second Fly-Tyer's Almanack"
• New York, NY, USA .• Crown Publisher. (1978)
Buckland, John. "The Simon and Schuster Pocket Guide to Trout & Salmon Flies"
• New York, NY, USA .• Simon & Schuster,Inc. (1986)
Buckland, John - Oglesby, Arthur. "A Guide to Salmon Flies"
• Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England .• The Crowood Press. (1990)
Burt, William H. - Grossenheider, Richard P. "Les guides Peterson. Les Mammifères de l'Amérique du Nord"
• LaPrairie, Qc, Canada .• Éditions Broquet Inc. (1992)
Calabi, Silvio. "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fly-Fishing".
• New York, NY, USA .• Henry Hold and Company. (1993)
Chartrand, Claude. "L'Art du Montage de Mouche"
• Montréal-Nord, Québec, Canada .• Groupe Polygone Éditeurs Inc. (1987)
Commission internationale des noms français des oiseaux. "Noms Français des Oiseaux du Monde, avec les équivalents latin et anglais"
• Sainte-Foy, Qc, Canada .• Édition Multi Mondes Inc. (1993)
Cray ton, A.H. "Letters to a Salmon Fisher's Son"
• London, England .• John Murray. (1910)
Dennis, Jack. "Western Trout Fly Tying Manual"
• Jackson Hole, WYO, USA .• Snake River Books. (1974)
Dennis, Jack. "Western Trout Fly Tying Manual Vol.II"
• Jackson Hole, WYO, USA .• Snake River Book. (1990)
Dubé, Jean-Paul. "Le Saumon"
• Montréal, Québec, Canada .• Les Éditions de l'Homme. (1984)
Dunham, Judith. "The Atlantic Salmon Flies, The Tyers and their Art"
• London, England .• Seeley Service & Co. Ltd. (1991)
Durham, Judith. "The Art of the Trouth Fly"
• San Diego, California, USA .• Chronicle Books. (1988)
Duris, Joroslav Spirhazl. "Oiseaux Atlas Illustré"
• Prague, Czechoslovakia • Svoboda Édition Gründ, Paris. (1971)
Flick, Art. "Master Fly-tying Guide"
• New York, NY, USA .• Crown Publisher. (1972)
Fling, Paul N. - Puterbaugh, Donald L. "The Basic Manual of Fly-Tying Fundamentais of Imitation"
• New York, NY, USA .• Sterling Publication Co. Inc. (1981)
Frank, Richard. "Northern Memoirs"
• London, England. (1694)
Gruenefeld, George. "Gruenefeld's Atlantic Salmon River Log, Gaspé Region"
• Montréal, Québec, Canada .• First Edition. (1988)
Halford, Frederic F. "Floating Flies and How to Dress Them"
• Estacada, Oregon. USA .• American Poultry Association Inc. (1988)
Adamson, Dr.Rv., William-Agar. "Salmon Fishing in Canada by a Resident"
• London, England .• Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts. (1860)
Anderson, Gary. "Atlantic Salmon & the Fly Fisherman"
• Montréal, Qc, Canada .• Salar Publishing. (1985)
Anderson, Gary. "Atlantic Salmon Fact & Fantasy"
• Montréal, Qc, Canada .• Salar Publishing. (1990)
Ashley-Dodd, Major G.L. "A Fisherman's Log" • (1929)
Aubert, Gilles - Bellemare, André A. - Bilodeau, Gérard. "Saumon Atlantique"
• Montréal-Nord, Qc, Canada .• Groupe Polygone Éditeurs Inc. (1988)
Barker, Thomas. "Barker Deligh of the Art of Angling"
• London, England. (1656)
Beaudin, Louise. - Quintin, Marcel. "Guide Naturel Quintin. Mammifères terrestres du Québec, de l'Ontario et des Maritimes" • Waterloo, Qc, Canada.
• Éditions Michel Quintin. (1983)
Bates, Joseph D., Jr, "Streamers Fly and Fishing"
• Harrisburg, PA, USA .• Stackpole Books. (1950)
Bates, Joseph D., Jr. "Atlantic Salmon Flies & Fishing"
• Harrisburg, PA, USA .• Stackpole Books. (1970)
Bates, Joseph D., Jr. "The Art of the Atlantic Salmon Fly"
• Boston, MASS, USA .• David R. Grondine Publisher. (1987)
Better, Francis. "Fran Better's Fly Fishing - Fly Tying and Pattern Guide"
• Wilmington, NY, USA .• Adirondack Sports Publication. (1986)
Borger, Gary A. "Designing Trout Flies"
• Wasau, WIS, USA .• Tomorrow River Press. (1991)
Boyle, Robert H. - Whitlock, Dave. "Fly-tyer's Almanac"
• New York NY, USA .• Crown Publisher. (1975)
Boyle, Robert H. "Second Fly-Tyer's Almanack"
• New York, NY, USA .• Crown Publisher. (1978)
Buckland, John. "The Simon and Schuster Pocket Guide to Trout & Salmon Flies"
• New York, NY, USA .• Simon & Schuster,Inc. (1986)
Buckland, John - Oglesby, Arthur. "A Guide to Salmon Flies"
• Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, England .• The Crowood Press. (1990)
Burt, William H. - Grossenheider, Richard P. "Les guides Peterson. Les Mammifères de l'Amérique du Nord"
• LaPrairie, Qc, Canada .• Éditions Broquet Inc. (1992)
Calabi, Silvio. "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fly-Fishing".
• New York, NY, USA .• Henry Hold and Company. (1993)
Chartrand, Claude. "L'Art du Montage de Mouche"
• Montréal-Nord, Québec, Canada .• Groupe Polygone Éditeurs Inc. (1987)
Commission internationale des noms français des oiseaux. "Noms Français des Oiseaux du Monde, avec les équivalents latin et anglais"
• Sainte-Foy, Qc, Canada .• Édition Multi Mondes Inc. (1993)
Cray ton, A.H. "Letters to a Salmon Fisher's Son"
• London, England .• John Murray. (1910)
Dennis, Jack. "Western Trout Fly Tying Manual"
• Jackson Hole, WYO, USA .• Snake River Books. (1974)
Dennis, Jack. "Western Trout Fly Tying Manual Vol.II"
• Jackson Hole, WYO, USA .• Snake River Book. (1990)
Dubé, Jean-Paul. "Le Saumon"
• Montréal, Québec, Canada .• Les Éditions de l'Homme. (1984)
Dunham, Judith. "The Atlantic Salmon Flies, The Tyers and their Art"
• London, England .• Seeley Service & Co. Ltd. (1991)
Durham, Judith. "The Art of the Trouth Fly"
• San Diego, California, USA .• Chronicle Books. (1988)
Duris, Joroslav Spirhazl. "Oiseaux Atlas Illustré"
• Prague, Czechoslovakia • Svoboda Édition Gründ, Paris. (1971)
Flick, Art. "Master Fly-tying Guide"
• New York, NY, USA .• Crown Publisher. (1972)
Fling, Paul N. - Puterbaugh, Donald L. "The Basic Manual of Fly-Tying Fundamentais of Imitation"
• New York, NY, USA .• Sterling Publication Co. Inc. (1981)
Frank, Richard. "Northern Memoirs"
• London, England. (1694)
Gruenefeld, George. "Gruenefeld's Atlantic Salmon River Log, Gaspé Region"
• Montréal, Québec, Canada .• First Edition. (1988)
Halford, Frederic F. "Floating Flies and How to Dress Them"
• (1886)
Hellekson, Terry. "Popular Fly Patterns"
• Salt Lake City, UK, USA .• Gibbs M. Smith, Inc, Peregrine Smith Books. (1984)
Herter, George Leonard. "Professional Fly Tying and Spinning Lure Making Manual"
Hellekson, Terry. "Popular Fly Patterns"
• Salt Lake City, UK, USA .• Gibbs M. Smith, Inc, Peregrine Smith Books. (1984)
Herter, George Leonard. "Professional Fly Tying and Spinning Lure Making Manual"
• Wasaca, MINN, USA .• Herter's Inc. (1969)
Hewitt, Edward Ringwood. "Secret of the Salmon"
• New York, NY, USA. • Chas. Scribners Sons. (1922)
Hewitt, Edward Ringwood. "A Trout and Salmon Fisherman (for 75 years)"
• (1948)
Hughes, Dave. "American Fly Tying Manual"
• Portland, OR, USA. • Franc Amato Publications. (1986)
Jorgenson, Poul. "Poul Jorgensen's Salmon Flies, their Caracter, Style and Dressing"
• Harrisburg, PE, USA .• Stackpole Books. (1978)
Jorgenson, Poul. "Poul Jorgensen's Book of Fly Tying, a Guide to Flies for aIl Game Fish"
• Boulder, COL, USA. • Johnson Books Spring Creek Press. (1988)
Kelson, George Mortimer. "The Salmon Flies"
• Goshen, CONN, USA. • The Angler's Shooter's Press. (1895)
Kent,Edwin C. "The Isle of Long Ago"
• New York, NY, USA. • Chas Scribners Sons. (1933)
LaBranche, George M.L. "The Salmon and the Dry Fly"
• Boston, MASS, USA .• Hougton, Mifflin Co., Riverside Press. (1924)
LaFontaine, Gary. "Dry Fly"
• Helena, MONT, USA. • Publishing. (1990)
Leiser, Eric. "The Book of Fly Patterns"
• New York, NY, USA .• Alfred A Knopf. (1987)
Lemoine, J.M. "Les Pêcheries au Canada"
• Québec, Qc, Canada .• Ateliers Typographique du Canada. (1863)
Leonard, Edson J. "Flies"
• New York, NY, USA. • A.S. Barnes. (1950)
Leonard, Edson J. "Flies"
• New York, NY, USA .• Nick Lyons Books. (1988)
Martin, Paul Louis. "Tolfrey, Un Aristocrate au Canada"
• Montréal, Qc, Canada .• Boréal Express. (1979)
Maxwell, Sir Herbert. "Salmon and Sea Trout"
• London, England. (1898)
McClane's "McClane's Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide"
• New York, NY, USA .• Hold, Rinehart and Winston. (1960)
Ministère de l'Agriculture de la province de Québec. "La Teinture Domestique" par O.-A. Bériau (1932)
Morris, Skip. "The Art of Tying the Dry Fly"
• Portland, OR, USA .• Frank Adamo Publications. (1993)
National Geographie Society. "Guide d'Identification des Oiseaux d'Amérique du Nord"
• LaPrairie, Qc, Canada. • Édition Marcel Broquet. (1987)
Nettie, Richard. "Salmon Fisheries of the St-Lawerence and its Tributaries"
• Montréal, Québec, Canada .• John Lovell. (1857)
Norris, Thaddeus. "American Angler's Book"
• Philadelphia, PENN, USA .• E.H. Butler. (1864)
Overfield, Donald T. "Famous Flies and their Originator"
• London, England .• Adams & Charles Black. (1972)
Pequegnot, Jean-Paul. "Répertoires des Mouches Artificielles Françaises"
• Besançon, France .• Par l'auteur. (1975)
Pèthe, H. "Streamer et Mouches à Saumon"
• Paris, France .• H. Pèthe Éditeur. (1978)
Priee Taff. "Fly Patterns An International Guide"
• Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada .• Western Producer Prairie Books. (1986)
Robbins, Chandler S. - Brunn, Bertel. - Zim, Herbert S. "Guide des Oiseaux de l'Amérique du Nord"
• LaPrairie, Qc, Canada .• Édition Marcel Broquet. (1986)
Scope, William. "Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing on the Tweed"
• London England. (1843)
Slater, "Anglers Guide" (1814)
Stewart, Dick. "Universal Fly Tying Guide"
• Brattleboro, VT, USA .• Stephen Greene Press. (1979)
Stewart, Dick. - Farrow Allan. "F1ies for Atlantic Salmon"
• Intervale, NH, USA .• Northland Press. (1991)
Stewart, Dick. - Farrow Allan. "F1ies for Trout"
• North Conway, NH, USA .• Mountain Pond Publishing. (1993)
Surette, Dick. "Fly Tyer Pattern Bible"
• North Conway. NH, USA .• Saco River Publishing. (1985)
Talleur, Richard W. "The Fly Tyer's Primer"
• New York, NY, USA .• Nick Lyons Press. (1986)
Tolfrey, Frederic. "The Sportman in Canada"
• London, England. (1845)
Veniard, John. "A Further Guide to Fly Dressing"
• London, England .• Adam & Charles B1ack. (1975)
Wakeford, Jaqueline. "Flytying Tools and Materials"
• London, England .• Lyons & Burford Publishers. (1992)
Walker, Alr. "The Art and Craftmanship of Fly Fishing"
• Toronto, Ontario, Canada ..• Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd. (1980)
Walton, Isaak. - Cotton Charles. "The Complete Angler"
• London, England .• Nathaniel Cooke, Milford House Strand. (1853)
Wulff, Lee. "The Atlantic Salmon"
• Cranbury, NJ, USA .• A.S. Barnes & Co. (1968)
Wulff, Lee. "Lee Wulff on Fly"
• Harrisburg, PN, USA .• Stackpole Books. (1980)
Wulff, Lee. "The Atlantic Salmon"
• Piscataway, NJ, USA .• Winchester Press. (1983)
Hewitt, Edward Ringwood. "Secret of the Salmon"
• New York, NY, USA. • Chas. Scribners Sons. (1922)
Hewitt, Edward Ringwood. "A Trout and Salmon Fisherman (for 75 years)"
• (1948)
Hughes, Dave. "American Fly Tying Manual"
• Portland, OR, USA. • Franc Amato Publications. (1986)
Jorgenson, Poul. "Poul Jorgensen's Salmon Flies, their Caracter, Style and Dressing"
• Harrisburg, PE, USA .• Stackpole Books. (1978)
Jorgenson, Poul. "Poul Jorgensen's Book of Fly Tying, a Guide to Flies for aIl Game Fish"
• Boulder, COL, USA. • Johnson Books Spring Creek Press. (1988)
Kelson, George Mortimer. "The Salmon Flies"
• Goshen, CONN, USA. • The Angler's Shooter's Press. (1895)
Kent,Edwin C. "The Isle of Long Ago"
• New York, NY, USA. • Chas Scribners Sons. (1933)
LaBranche, George M.L. "The Salmon and the Dry Fly"
• Boston, MASS, USA .• Hougton, Mifflin Co., Riverside Press. (1924)
LaFontaine, Gary. "Dry Fly"
• Helena, MONT, USA. • Publishing. (1990)
Leiser, Eric. "The Book of Fly Patterns"
• New York, NY, USA .• Alfred A Knopf. (1987)
Lemoine, J.M. "Les Pêcheries au Canada"
• Québec, Qc, Canada .• Ateliers Typographique du Canada. (1863)
Leonard, Edson J. "Flies"
• New York, NY, USA. • A.S. Barnes. (1950)
Leonard, Edson J. "Flies"
• New York, NY, USA .• Nick Lyons Books. (1988)
Martin, Paul Louis. "Tolfrey, Un Aristocrate au Canada"
• Montréal, Qc, Canada .• Boréal Express. (1979)
Maxwell, Sir Herbert. "Salmon and Sea Trout"
• London, England. (1898)
McClane's "McClane's Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide"
• New York, NY, USA .• Hold, Rinehart and Winston. (1960)
Ministère de l'Agriculture de la province de Québec. "La Teinture Domestique" par O.-A. Bériau (1932)
Morris, Skip. "The Art of Tying the Dry Fly"
• Portland, OR, USA .• Frank Adamo Publications. (1993)
National Geographie Society. "Guide d'Identification des Oiseaux d'Amérique du Nord"
• LaPrairie, Qc, Canada. • Édition Marcel Broquet. (1987)
Nettie, Richard. "Salmon Fisheries of the St-Lawerence and its Tributaries"
• Montréal, Québec, Canada .• John Lovell. (1857)
Norris, Thaddeus. "American Angler's Book"
• Philadelphia, PENN, USA .• E.H. Butler. (1864)
Overfield, Donald T. "Famous Flies and their Originator"
• London, England .• Adams & Charles Black. (1972)
Pequegnot, Jean-Paul. "Répertoires des Mouches Artificielles Françaises"
• Besançon, France .• Par l'auteur. (1975)
Pèthe, H. "Streamer et Mouches à Saumon"
• Paris, France .• H. Pèthe Éditeur. (1978)
Priee Taff. "Fly Patterns An International Guide"
• Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada .• Western Producer Prairie Books. (1986)
Robbins, Chandler S. - Brunn, Bertel. - Zim, Herbert S. "Guide des Oiseaux de l'Amérique du Nord"
• LaPrairie, Qc, Canada .• Édition Marcel Broquet. (1986)
Scope, William. "Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing on the Tweed"
• London England. (1843)
Slater, "Anglers Guide" (1814)
Stewart, Dick. "Universal Fly Tying Guide"
• Brattleboro, VT, USA .• Stephen Greene Press. (1979)
Stewart, Dick. - Farrow Allan. "F1ies for Atlantic Salmon"
• Intervale, NH, USA .• Northland Press. (1991)
Stewart, Dick. - Farrow Allan. "F1ies for Trout"
• North Conway, NH, USA .• Mountain Pond Publishing. (1993)
Surette, Dick. "Fly Tyer Pattern Bible"
• North Conway. NH, USA .• Saco River Publishing. (1985)
Talleur, Richard W. "The Fly Tyer's Primer"
• New York, NY, USA .• Nick Lyons Press. (1986)
Tolfrey, Frederic. "The Sportman in Canada"
• London, England. (1845)
Veniard, John. "A Further Guide to Fly Dressing"
• London, England .• Adam & Charles B1ack. (1975)
Wakeford, Jaqueline. "Flytying Tools and Materials"
• London, England .• Lyons & Burford Publishers. (1992)
Walker, Alr. "The Art and Craftmanship of Fly Fishing"
• Toronto, Ontario, Canada ..• Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd. (1980)
Walton, Isaak. - Cotton Charles. "The Complete Angler"
• London, England .• Nathaniel Cooke, Milford House Strand. (1853)
Wulff, Lee. "The Atlantic Salmon"
• Cranbury, NJ, USA .• A.S. Barnes & Co. (1968)
Wulff, Lee. "Lee Wulff on Fly"
• Harrisburg, PN, USA .• Stackpole Books. (1980)
Wulff, Lee. "The Atlantic Salmon"
• Piscataway, NJ, USA .• Winchester Press. (1983)